Australian actress Zoe Ventoura a Home and Away (Australian)  soap actress has signed on acclaimed director Nicole Conn for a new project. McKenzie is an FBI agent in this movie

Conn has directed a variety of critically acclaimed movies including, she paved the way for lesbian-themed movies with Claire of the Moon, which will celebrate its 25th anniversary in 2018, and also produced the features Elena Undone and A Perfect Ending.

More Beautiful to Having Been Split comes from Nicole Conn, the writer, and director. If you know her name you can expect lesbian material. This film has a lesbian love tale, but it is secondary to the tale of the child with special needs that is at the core of the film.

Lesbians behave in all the right ways and love differently.

Straight women can watch any kind of movie reflecting their experience, making them laugh, weep, and sigh at the predictable yet satisfying ending. Lesbians are too often forced to relive abuse and rejection and watch on video their injustice. Nothing about lesbian life in the media becomes meaningless, heart-warming, or enjoyable.