There’s no denying that Summer Bay should come with a warning to residents that a usually high amount of drama and scandal correlates directly with the coastal town.

Few of our Home And Away favorites, if any, were immune to their seemingly peaceful town’s equal parts of chaos and charm.

However, when it comes to the beloved character Mason Morgan, played by Orpheus Pledger, it seems that he has been dealing with more chaos than most. After all, few as tragically heroic as his have had an exit.

And, that is just his story’s ending. As the star returns to our All-New Monty screens we are reviving the biggest moments of his Home And Away alter ego

Rocky comeback
It’s rare a new character from Summer Bay just rolls into town without fellow residents having a dramatic entrance or bat of an eyelash. So you can bet it was memorable when the Morgan brothers, Justin Brody and Mason all arrived together.

After their parents were killed the brother was forced into witness protection and joined sister Tori in Summer Bay. But not before getting almost into a car crash with Ash on the way into the city!

As Justin and Ash tried to get it out, Mason was forced to intervene-twice! Fortunately, once they arrived, Tori explained the situation to Ash, and all was forgiven

Crash Strikes
Our favorite Summer Bay residents were on a trip for Tori’s birthday when their plane crashed horrifically in one of the show’s most shocking storylines.

In the desert, the terrifying ordeal left Billie, Irene, Orpheus, Tori, Brody, Duncan, Nate, Leah, and Evie stranded.
After trying to protect Evie, Orpheus was left badly burnt, but separated from Tori, he was the only one in the main group with a medical background, and was tasked with caring for pregnant Billie.

Fortunately, they were rescued in time for everyone to safely return home.

The Paralysis of Shock
Brody’s problem with drugs wreaked havoc on the Morgan family, but for none other than his brother, Mason.
Mason tried to drive Brody into rehabilitation after an ongoing battle. Believing that they were being followed, Brody panicked and grabbed the wheel which caused the car to crash.

It was touch and go for Mason who sustained a neck injury and ended up supporting life. He suffered from temporary paralysis while he managed to recover, and blamed Brody for his debilitating injury.

Star-crossed amateur
Mason was in a depressive state, struggling to surmount his injury. He had met a stunning nurse, Beth, until then.
But he soon learned that Beth wasn’t a nurse at all, she was a terminal cardiomyopathy patient. The pair quickly fell into a whirlwind romance and started to tick off items on Beth’s bucket list.

With Beth in and out of the hospital, time was running out, relying on an organ donation to survive.
Although the family was reluctant to agree to find a donor, and it was tragically too late when Beth collapsed on the beach during a dinner.

The devastating death of Beth led to Mason quitting medicine for good.

Heroic last act
Ever the hero, the farewell to Mason had been tragic and selfless. A dangerous gang had taken over the hospital in a terrifying siege during the 2019 season finale.

When he was standing up to the gang together with Alex, Jasmine, Mackenzie, and Marilyn, one gunman lost his nerve and snapped. Mason is gunned down dead.