Colby is questioned by Angelo, whose line of questioning focuses tightly carried at Ross’s hands-on childhood abuse by Colby. Angelo reflects on Colby’s willingness to quite correctly remember an alibi from years ago.

In the interview, Colby retains his calm, but internally this left Colby profoundly distressed, causing memories of his traumatic past.

Dean is apprehensive about his own forthcoming interview, remembering how high the stakes are for both, but he emerges unscathed from the investigation.

Bella is informed that she is the next requisite in Angelo’s interview list. If she is confident enough to retain her bogus alibi, Colby, Dean, and Bella ponder.

    In the meantime, Jasmine and Willow come to loggerheads as Jasmine declares her superiority at the gym as a business owner. Irene offers Jasmine some assurance in giving Willow the same support and respect she had in coping with the AVO when Jasmine did.