The kiss between Mac and Tane — the man who isn’t her boyfriend — was all a hoax and I fell for it.

Don’t get me wrong, I like Mac and Ari together, but after all, this is a mess and that commercial Home and Away had some real chemistry for a week and we got ripped off.

The producers are busy laying the foundations for this all-episode imaginative kiss, so back to the point. Mac gathers the confidence to tell Ari, the man who is her boyfriend, that Dean has moved in with her.

Dean isn’t surprised, to say the least, but it’s a little funny coming from the guy whose partner isn’t living him and he has a surprise lovechild.

“That’s the location where Ari’s brother lives, the one you have the hots for, ” Dean says to Mac — in case we have somehow missed the root of all the problems between tonight’s characters.

However, it tells Dean that he has a girlfriend and he’s calling her. There’s an odd dynamic about them.

Dean is pretty keen to bring Ziggy into the bedroom but Ziggy is again in a team buddy zone and needs to keep up with their previously established limits while Dean has time to transition to his life as a parent.

Dean needs something. He needs to bring Ziggy back in and Jai back in his life but he feels like Ziggy’s going to take a back seat. Nikau has said his bit in the meantime and doesn’t want Mac to come in because she’s not a girlfriend.

It may be Nik shielding his brothers from the inevitability or an amalgamation of being away from his mum, unintentionally driving a car a few months back, and his split from Bella, who used her as a trick to get him to run away from her.

Tane is very patient at work but Mac gets away early, with only one pizza for a four-household — three of them very hungry people.

Nobody seems to be as worried about the pizza as I am, so Ari whisks away Mac to show her the surprise bubble bath he’s prepared with candles and champagne.

Mac proclaims “all is fine” and loves her escape until Tane inadvertently steps into the bathroom and Mac runs quickly to cover herself even though she is covered in bubbles at the waist.

They are laughing it off. Nikau still keeps the pizza and by now it will be very cold. Then Tane and Mac are alone and they fire at each other without any warning and they start to make out like they are.

I’m incredibly surprised because Home and Away are pretty sweet. But then, we learn that everything was just a figment of Tane’s imagination.

Ripped to bits. Off. Off.

On Justin, then a brief update.

The arrival of Ava is imminent and Justin is reeling with the choice of either lying to his daughter or “breaking her heart” and telling her about the tumor and its delicate state.

Either way, Tori and Leah stand by him and think it’s going to be good for Justin to see Ava so Leah and Justin have packed their bags and are on their way.