Kat Risteska professional dancer and Home and Away actor Dan Ewing

Kat is a successful Actress/Singer/Dancer & Entrepreneur. Kat Graduated from the Full Time Performing Arts Course at Brent Street Studios in 2009.

On the 4th anniversary of this relation, Dan Ewing writes some beautiful words to his partner on the Instagram post.

4 years of you making me a better soul & me making you ….eat more red meat & obsess over basketball…

You are the epitome of “Show me don’t tell me.”

An older soul than an “old soul” …Perhaps a sexy Amazon warrior soul? What do you reckon ?? Just me ?? My fantasy ??
I digress … BUT the fact remains by your example you make everyone around you better. You being “you“ seems to act as a catalyst for change. Not in a preachy do this, do that manner but by the way you live your life.

Archie, Boston, and your Thickness are truly blessed to have you. I’m not sure we can ever repay you for all you’ve done & continue to do but heck your boys are going to do our darnedest.

I love you @katristeska If I wasn’t so attracted to you I’d be proud to be you.